轉自《飛碟聯播網》FB 160207補兩張老師帥照過好年~
周傳雄 蔡旻佑 Evan Yo 陪你過除夕 - 猴福齊天飛碟群星陪你過好年過年特別節目
I would have loved to listen to the program.Best wishes to my beloved Steve and Evan Yo for an amazing year ahead! {:taosmile07:} 蓝月亮 发表于 2016-2-9 04:58
I would have loved to listen to the program.Best wishes to my beloved Steve and Evan Yo for an ama ...
Actually Steve talked a lot of Evan's new album instead of himself~ Naoko 发表于 2016-2-11 23:19
Actually Steve talked a lot of Evan's new album instead of himself~
Oh, I see! I can't wait to hear news about Steve! I love him so much! 蓝月亮 发表于 2016-2-12 15:17
Oh, I see! I can't wait to hear news about Steve! I love him so much!
Tianjin Concert is coming, I am ready to go~{:8_189:}